Buck Bond Group

How a Total Well-being Approach Can Help Control Health Care Costs

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Through RightOpt®, our private insurance exchange, we continue to identify ways to help employers and employees tackle today’s health care challenges in a meaningful way — and wellness and well-being are no exception.   

According to the World Health Organization, health is not simply the absence of disease, but “the complete physical, mental and social well-being of an individual.” When benefits plans capture these aspects of well-being, employees are likely to perform better at work and be more productive. This holistic approach can ultimately lead to more effective health care cost containment as individuals are supported to become more engaged in managing their health.   

Of course, believing this and knowing how to successfully integrate it into your overall health care strategy are two different things.   

In the March 2015 issue of workspan, Dr. Bruce Sherman and Scott Rabin discuss the opportunity to deliver impactful well-being solutions within the private exchange environment.   

Because employers continue to express interest in the intersection between well-being and private exchange models, we invite you to learn more by joining our webinar, Controlling Costs and Advancing Well-being Strategies Through a Private Exchange, on May 6 at 1PM ET. Click here to learn more and register.