Defined contribution
Our solutions and expertise are geared towards complicated arrangements – we specialize in providing solutions for complex plans that don’t fit into a pre-existing mold. We offer broad coverage of defined contribution plans, administering all DC/CAP plan types in Canada as well as all equity-based plan types typically offered under executive compensation plans. And we administer global plans featuring multi-language and multi-currency capabilities.
Everything we provide is compliant and secure, keeping in line with all pension and tax legislation, as well as rules and external audits. Our customized and tailored plan design works with employers to understand their plan requirements, internal processes, and corporate culture. We then recommend best practices for ongoing administration practices and procedures.
Engaging and intuitive online tools
Flexible and customized to fit plan design features, corporate branding, unique investment choices, and data interfaces. Focused on best practices, risk mitigation, and straight through processing models including real time trading and trading connections with FundSERV.
Expert administrative and service staff
Our benefits administration staff is trained on plan specifics and challenges as well as corporate culture.
Broad offering
We offer an array of administrative services for all types of DC/CAP plans in Canada, equity-based compensation plans, and many global plan arrangements with multi-language and multi-currency features.