Organizations are accountable to employees, shareholders, and regulators in newer and more varied ways than ever before. As an organizational leader, you need a trusted advisor to help navigate these changes and ensure your policies and plans remain compliant. Our deep understanding of the regulatory and legislative environment informs our insights, recommendations, and solutions, while our timely analyses make the ever-changing and complex HR and employee pension and benefit landscape easier to understand.
Knowing we’re managing all of this on your behalf gives you the peace of mind needed to focus your attention on taking care of your people and your business.
Employee solutions
Publications and insights
Our nationally-recognized publications keep you up-to-date on the latest legislative and regulatory developments.
Compliance consulting
We keep your plans in compliance by assisting with day-to-day administration and documentation (e.g., drafting plan documents and amendments, summary plan descriptions, and other communications, administrative forms, and procedures) and advising on plan policies, processes and governance (including fiduciary matters). In addition, we can provide practical guidance on resolving compliance questions and issues.
Compliance reviews
Our compliance reviews are part of the continual process of plan oversight and governance. Undergoing periodic compliance reviews may result in less costly correction penalties and a reduction in the time and expense of dealing with agency audits.
Fiduciary governance
Good plan governance is expected in the world of employee pensions and benefits. We excel in helping plan sponsors develop, implement, and maintain effective plan governance by working with you to ensure that the right structures, policies, and programs are in place.
HR policies and employee handbooks
We make sure you're in compliance with current federal and provincial HR laws across the country and we plan for changes on the horizon that will impact your workforce. Our experienced employment law consultants can review and help you update your HR policies and employee handbooks.