Buck Bond Group
White paper: Cancer and the workplace

White paper: Cancer and the workplace

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Cancer is an area in which the NHS has historically offered a comprehensive level of care. But the impacts of both Covid and the cost of living crisis have exacerbated the already limited resource and investment in the NHS, resulting in delays to both diagnosis and treatment. The challenges in accessing NHS care have naturally had an impact on the private sector, with the private medical insurance (PMI) market reporting unprecedented growth in new members – leading to a notable increase in the cost of providing a medical benefit. Now more than ever, employers need to consider how they keep PMI premiums sustainable, whilst at the same time ensuring employees remain productive and supported.

Our white paper, Cancer and the workplace – written in partnership with Check4Cancer – looks at today’s cancer treatment landscape, and explores how workplace cancer programmes are key to improving outcomes and wellbeing for employees who have received a cancer diagnosis. Read the executive summary or download the full white paper here.