Buck Bond Group

How to use social media to tell the company story to recruits

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While recruiting may be the last thing on many employers’ minds these days, you can’t deny that resourceful, innovative and productive talent is critical to any industry. But, according to a 2007 Monster.com poll, one of the top reasons for employee turnover is the mismatch between what gets communicated during the interview process, and what new employees actually experience.

Making the company culture, values and personality available during the hiring process can help prospective employees determine if your organization is going to be a good fit, before they start to work.

Here are some ways to use our website to showcase what the company is really like:

  • Blogs, podcasts, and videos can all be used to incorporate testimonials from employees and senior leadership into your career site. Each can be used differently.
  • Blogs serve as candid, real-world forums for commentary and opinions on various subjects. For example, employee blogs can help enhance recruitment efforts by positioning the organization as a thought leader. Likewise, blogs can help give job seekers a feel for the company’s culture.
  • Increasingly, employers are using podcasting on their career sites as a way to catch recruits’ attention and address the issues that are important to them.
  • Video clips featuring employees, management, and CEOs, as well as interactive tours of company locations, provide applicants with a preview of what they can expect at the company. For example, the police department of a large Canadian city makes very effective use of both Facebook and YouTube to communicate what it is like to work there as well as in specific positions.
  • Social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook provide a way to reach out to new recruits and provide easy paths to your official career site. Social networking can also provide your in-house recruiters with a means of researching and reaching out to top talent.

To find out more about how your organization can find great talent in this economy, download our free white paper.