Buck Bond Group

Low-Cost Ideas to Promote Physical Wellbeing in Your Company

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We are heading toward the end of the physical wellbeing week at our UK offices and it has been an amazing success. By sharing what we have done this week we hope that it will give you ideas to implement into your own wellbeing programme.

Key to the success of the entire month is the communication. Frequent and regular branded communication has been sent through our internal microsite,  email or posters – we even had branded stickers for bananas that were given out. Awareness levels in our activities have increased and therefore better engagement has resulted from the activities that we had arranged this week.[ctt title=»We can prove it’s possible to increase physical wellbeing and engagement in just a week with a few simple, low cost ideas.» tweet=»Looking for low cost ideas to include in your physical #wellbeing programme? @MartynAnwyl shares his experience http://ctt.ec/b97lZ+» coverup=»b97lZ»]

Yesterday was Cycle to Work Day so we centred our physical activity around that. Realising that not everyone can cycle to work, we also encouraged people to go for a walk at lunch time by providing links to local walks or asking them to get off the train 1-2 stops earlier and walk to work. As a reward, we gave out free fruit. Also, to encourage engagement, we asked for selfies to be taken and posted on our internal microsite. For those who did this, a random draw took place with the winner receiving a Fitbit.

Other activities that were held this weeks included links to articles on healthy eating and physical exercise and we asked for people’s favourite healthy recipes to be submitted with a random winner receiving a hamper of fruit at the end of the month.

It was a great start to our wellbeing month and at a relatively low cost. As well as the health benefits, we have also seen inter-office challenges and conversation amongst colleagues.

These are just a few examples of what can be included in a wellbeing programme. The simplest of activities can have some remarkable success.