The Launch
You may have seen or been involved with our inaugural “Wake up to workplace wellbeing” month last year. I was surprised then that the U.K. didn’t have a day, week or month that focused on this crucial area and so it was decided that we would launch a month-long campaign designed for organisations who either want to dust off their existing wellbeing programme or start one for those who have none.
Often when I speak with clients they are looking for new services, better ways of communicating or help relaunching an existing benefit related to their wellbeing programme. Some have been in place for several years and the challenge they have is keeping it fresh and relevant. That’s what our month will be about.
We define wellbeing as “a balanced state of optimum physical and mental health as well as prosperity”. Each week in September we will focus on one of the particular areas plus looking at technology and tools for engagement. Through differing mediums we will provide thought-provoking comment, new services to consider and giveaways that will help with your wellbeing programme.[ctt title=»During September we have planned a series of challenges, articles and tools and giveaways to help promote wellbeing.» tweet=»September is wake up to #workplace #wellbeing month. Read more in a blog post by @MartynAnwyl from @XeroxHRInsights» coverup=»0e5v5″]
Sipping our own champagne.
Unfortunately this is a saying, not part of a wellbeing programme! It was told to me by a French manager meaning doing what you say and that is exactly what we will be doing at Buck. During September we have planned a series of challenges, articles and tools and giveaways to help promote wellbeing. We are excited by the buzz this is creating and will report back on how it is going.
Each week I will write about what to look out for as part of our national programme and then write about what we actually did at Buck during the week.
Get involved!
To help we have created a webpage where we will have all of the articles, links to featured providers and tools. There will also be the ability to blog and share what you are doing.
On the final Wednesday of the month we are also holding a Twitter question and answer session where you can write into our panel of experts to ask that question about wellbeing that you have always wanted answered.
I hope you enjoy the month and benefit from it.